Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"JEDI" an old favourite!!

   Some storytellers like to start their story in the middle. "Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope" is a defining example of this from George Lucas. It was a timeless tale, an old fashioned western set in a galaxy far away. Through 'the force' and a classic battle between good and evil, Lucas set out in part to explore a faith that would embrace all and offend none.The Sith and the Jedi are engaged in a battle for hearts, minds and power with the unfolding story of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. All the links are there, they just didn't all make sense first time around. I love how the technology didn't exist to do some things and even 'Industrial Light & Magic' had to wait for the remastered versions to have some animals move, to animate Jabba the Hut and sadly to edit out the Stormtrooper who bangs his head in a doorway from Ep IV.
   Be that as it may, like Star Wars itself, my JEDI t-shirt has other layers of meaning. My friends and I have joked for many years that in the battle for the legitimacy of ministry with young people as Youth Workers [and yes I prefer that to Youth Pastor or Youth Minister, but that's a rant for another time] to be ordained a Minister of the Word was to 'turn to the darkside'... then in all seriousness, whether some acknowledge it or not, one path to legitimacy has been to say something different about the nature of same and to invite Youth Workers to explore their call in this way [church speak sorry]. But only Youth Workers could live with the idea that volunteers, lay leaders and ordained folks all have a place... none is junior, waiting to head into 'real' ministry.
   This t-shirt reminds me of mentors and pioneers I know, it reminds me of 25+ years of growing and using my gifts and abilities in doing stuff I love to do and feel 'called' to give time and energy to. Despite the pain, weariness, prophetic push back and disappointments along the way.
   All ministry is at it's heart relational and each of us would do well to focus on the things that give us energy and to collaborate, be honest and seek to "make space for the leadership of others, through serving." In a lighthearted way, that's always seemed to me to be a Jedi kind of thing. I'm no guru and while I can be stubborn and assertive in my own way, nothing is more exciting than seeing someone else do stuff they are good at because at least in some small way you've worked to see that as possible...
   To be fair I'm most stubborn when I'm in modelling or experimenting mode, trying to show by doing that things like: inclusion; different imaging of God; use of many mediums; experiments; listening; learning to think for yourself and engage the wisdom of others and life in your search; and a focus on what the recipient/participant or learner is experiencing/receiving or being taught [to name just a few things].
   I don't believe that the way I learnt about being in a community of faith, what it means to be a follower of Jesus, or how I encountered the story is the best way it'll happen for young people today [but lots of people don't seem to 'get that']. When he talks/writes about relating together as people and seeking to discover who Jesus is in our midst [and words to that effect] Andy Root has helped me to begin to articulate ideas about that I've had since my 20s. If we are the people we've encountered, the stories we've heard and the choices we've made, then this is of huge importance!! This is the stuff youth ministry is about, not the froth of slogans, banners, pick n choose social justice symbolism, single verse theology, best practice, excellence, or clever stuff that'll stick... That's why it's so hard and I still have lots to learn. We need diverse talents and approaches, we have different ways people explore and share their story... I just get sick of having to justify, against the flow...
   My JEDI t-shirt reminds me it's not 'playing' but is about a story with depth, individuality and at the end of the day it's also fun... besides, having turned 'to the darkside' shouldn't it be the iSith one that's available on redbubble?

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