Sunday, September 29, 2013

'The Sandman's Advice to the Unpopular'

I'm adding a few extras t-shirts at the beginning so there's enough good reading here to warrant an early visit!!
'The Sandman' aka Stephen Abbott was a great relatable character filled with fear, angst and uncertainty. He gives sage advice to those with questionable self esteem and trying to avoid being too awkward in social situations!!

My favourite stories include:
- 'Second Last is Best' about not drawing too much attention to yourself
- The one about tripping in a running race he usually loses and that familiar and more comfortable feeling of failure washing over him
- The one with the tag line that 'it's like driving from Brisbane to Sydney and stopping in Newcastle... you might as well push on to Sydney "I should know I come from Newcastle" writes, The Sandman!!

Match all that with Michael Bell's artwork and you have a winner!!

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